The Vulcan Geothermal Plant

Energy is something we all need. Energy, to get up in the morning, to grow, to harvest, to transport, to prepare the food we need to stay alive. We need energy to get back and forth to work. We need energy to move the water from its source to our mouths. There is a whole set of energy needs that are, without question, a requirement for life.

Then there is the set of energy requirements that are questionable. For me, I thought I could not get by without all my computers. Today I cut back to two computers. Elective travel, is another place I have cut back. Another place I can help is in being more creative in choosing my source of food. My friend, Randy, told me about a group of local growers that will deliver to a central location, once a week, a variety of food grown locally. Done! I will not buy vegetables that have to be transported long distances.

And there is the source of energy. I guess that now we all can agree that poking holes through our major food locations for oil, without a real failsafe policy is stupid. … But, I think that it should not be done at all. I support Solar, Wind, Geothermal, and Nuclear energy.

This is a link to a longer shot, across the salt flat that borders the plant. <-Link

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