My Funny Valentine – Valentines Day

Well it is that time of the year, where thoughts turns to love. Love current, loves lost, loves past, and loves future. …

But one love always stands the test of time and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortunes. … The unquallified love our pets have for us, and we have for them. I know that at this very moment, while I have my feet up on a cushion in front of my chair, that between the chair and cushion, under my legs, lies Gypsy. She is waiting patiently for me to finish this little letter to my human friends, so that I can take her for a little tour around the neighbourhood. …

Well today is very special, we will go many dog places today, and she will be very happy. 😉 Me too!

Check out My Amazing Pet Photography Gallery, and think about a time when we can shoot all our pets together, on one very special day. Because, I would surely like that!

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