iPhone Time Lapse video

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A quick timelapse video, mostly by an iPhone 5s

by Jack Foster Mancilla
The small LensLord™ gallery on Flickr
My full Gallery of still images LensLord™ Gallery

This is a video, created out of about 900 iPhone full res images.
This link is to the application page.

One of the greatest things about this particular application is that it will take the full res image of the iPhone, and generate a time lapse movie out of it. …

OR – Big OR. … You can export all the full res images into your computer and generate a 100% full res video out of those images, after running through whatever post processing you wish

In the end, that ability to work with the full res images will make for incredibly beautiful time lapse videos.

This little video was done very quickly, only as a test. But, I did minimal post processing as part of the test.

Jack Foster Mancilla – LensLord™ – Home –