The Alexander Salazar Fine Art Gallery – A History of Sorts – 48 openings.

For almost a year, I have been shooting events for Alexander Salazar, for his Fineart gallery at the corner of 7th and Broadway, and at the Contemporary White Box gallery, between Broadway and “C” street, also on 7th avenue, and most recently, his exhibit space in La Jolla. … Inadvertendtly, the collection of galleries create a reverse chronological history of those events.

These events include Dancing Downtown, his one year anniversary party, and his White Birthday party downtown. They also include events at the Hilton Bayfront hotel.

You can go and meander through the past year, and you can find all the events that you attended, by name and by date.
This is a link to a single page with all the galeries in reverse order.
Link to the 48 Galleries.

The dates are listed like this, YearMonthDate, for example these are the four most recent events. …


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